Four, Five & Six Pea (4-6 years) | Saturday | 9.15am-10:15am

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$44.00 per session
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Lucy Redfearn

Member Price – $150 per month ($36.00 per class)

Casual Price - $44 per class

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*Please note our prices now include the insurance, GNSW and GA fees

Four Peas can run, hop, climb and throw a ball. Their increasing coordination makes them faster and more deliberate. Their increasing strength makes them able to perform many new gymnastics skills. Their cognitive development is growing by leaps and bounds and they are able to interpret and remember learning objectives. Four Peas can recognize and name many letters numbers. They can count in unison and repeat simple stories and sequences.

Four-year olds need a minimum of 60-90 minutes of active play a day! They need opportunities to run, build, swing and bounce. The Four Pea curriculum embraces the four-year old’s readiness for learning and provides a dynamic educational gymnastics environment. Four Peas work on forward rolls, straddle rolls, and backward rolls on both a wedge and on the floor. They are practicing straighter legs and longer holds in the execution of their skills. Four Peas are working on their balance with skills on beam such as straight jumps, alternating kick possé sequences and Four Pea arabeques. Four Peas are gaining speed and accuracy on the vault. They are mastering their squat on, donkey kicks with horizontal hips and jumping on and off a block.

The educational gymnastics focus for Four Peas continues with number and letter recognition, group counting, group singing, increased differentiation of left and right, positive peer interactions and increased independence in following instructions and participating in structured station-based activities.

We know that children learn best when they are moving. Many Four Peas are preparing for kindergarten. The Four Peas program provides an educational environment where children can experience active learning, predictable structure, positive peer associations, successful independence from parents and balanced learning.


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