Member Price – $110 per month ($26.40 per class)
Casual Price - $32 per class
Click here to become a member
*Please note our prices now include the insurance, GNSW and GA fees
The program is designed to capitalize on the rapidly improving physical, cognitive and language development of two-year olds. The curriculum offers opportunities for gross motor skill development with whole body activities in developmentally appropriate circuits. learn to run with developing synchronization; step, hold and balance on alternate feet; roll forward, sideways and backwards on a wedge with a spot; and transfer weight from feet to hands and back. play (or observe play) interactively structured games with other classmates. They sing and perform physical motions to familiar songs. They are introduced to concepts of recognition, compare and contrast, and distinction through use of basic shapes in equipment and learning resources used in class. begin to recognize colors through materials and activities in class; begin to recite numbers through counting or listening while performing physical motions; and increase language development through physical activities promoting word association. The program is designed to provide a multi-sensory educational gymnastics experience that prepares the to engage his or her occipital lobes through experience with shape patterns and colors. The curriculum engages the little ones temporal and frontal lobes and promotes higher cognitive processing through language, words and tone. Children learn best when they are moving. We know that the more regions of the brain we can engage in the process of learning, the more significant the impact on learning will be.
Our goal is to provide fun, quality gymnastics activities that foster the important neural development of our amazing two-year olds.