Child Safe

Child Safe
Office of Childs Guardian
Child Safe Standards
Report a Child Safety Matter


Manly Warringah Gymnastics Club aims to ensure that children and young participants have a positive and secure experience. We prioritise the health, safety, and wellbeing of children above all other concerns to safeguard the welfare of all members. All staff and coaches are required to hold a Working with Children Check.

Our approach to child safety and wellbeing is rooted in principles and centered on achieving effective strategies. These standards highlight the necessity of employing diverse methods to cultivate a safe environment for children and uphold their rights with utmost respect.

NSW Child Safe Standards (as per Gymnastics New South Wales):

The Child Safe Standards provide a benchmark against which organisations can assess their child safe capacity and set performance taregts. The Standards Provide tangible guidance for organisations to drive a child safe culture, adopt stategies adn act to put the interests of children first, to keep them safe from harm. (View Child Safe Standards)




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