
Integrity is at the heart of our gymnastics club, guiding every aspect of our operations and interactions. We uphold high standards of honesty, fairness, and ethical behavior among all members, coaches, and staff. Integrity ensures that our athletes compete and train in a supportive and trustworthy environment where respect and sportsmanship thrive.

We prioritise transparency in decision-making processes, encourage open communication, and foster a culture of accountability. By embracing integrity, we not only uphold the values of fairness and respect but also cultivate a community where everyone feels valued and motivated to excel both on and off the gymnastics floor.


Please see the below information on Integrity as per Gymnastics New South Wales:

National Integrity Framework

The National Integrity Framework has been developed by Sport Integrity Australia in consultation with sport industry stakeholders, the Sport and Recreation State Government departments, as well as the National Office for Child Safety. (Read More

National Body Care Framework

Body Care is Gymnastics Australia's strength-based approach which aims to equip all members of the gymnastics community with the language and understanding to foster an environment where every body is cared for, nourished and empowered to achieve their personal goals. (Read More)

NSW Child Safe Standards

The Child Safe Standards provide a benchmark against which organisations can assess their child safe capacity and set performance targets. The Standards provide tangible guidance for organisations to drive a child safe culture, adopt strategies and act to put the interest of children first, to keep them safe from harm. (View Child Safe Standards

NSW Working With Children Checks

The Working with Children Check (WWCC) is a requirement for anyone who works or volunteers in child-related work in NSW. It involves a National Police Check (criminal history record check) and a review of reprtable workplace misconduct. (Apply for a WWCC)

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